Monday, September 30, 2019

Iso Standards and Tqm

FOCUS ON TQM, EQM AND ISO INTRODUCTION Environment may be broadly understood to mean our surroundings. It can be divided into non-living and living components. The Environment provides resources which support life on the earth and which also help in the growth of a relationship of interchange between living organisms and the environment in which they live. ISO †¢ What? ISO (International Organization for Standardization) is the world's largest developer and publisher of International Standards. ISO is a non-governmental organization that forms a bridge between the public and private sectors. On the one hand, many of its member institutes are part of the governmental structure of their countries, or are mandated by their government. On the other hand, other members have their roots uniquely in the private sector, having been set up by national partnerships of industry associations. The organization's logos in its two official languages, English and French, include the word ISO. The organization adopted ISO based on the Greek word isos ( ), meaning equal. This, in itself, reflects the aim of the organization: to equalize and standardize across cultures. HISTORY: ISO is the world largest standards developing organization. Founded on 23rd February, 1947, it has its headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland. Between 1947 and the present day, ISO has published more than 18  000 International Standards, ranging from standards for activities such as agriculture and construction, through mechanical engineering, to medical devices, to the newest information technology developments. IS O was born from the union of two organizations – the ISA (International Federation of the National Standardizing Associations). Established in New York in 1926, and the UNSCC (United Nations Standards Coordinating Committee), established in 1944 †¢ WHO CAN JOIN ISO? Membership of ISO  is open to national standards institutes most representative of standardization in their country (one member in each country). ISO has three membership categories: ? Member Bodies: They are national bodies that are considered to be the most representative standards body in each country. These are the only members of ISO that have voting rights. ? Subscriber members: They are countries with small economies. They pay reduced membership fees, but can follow the development of standards. Participating members are called â€Å"P† members as opposed to observing members which are called â€Å"O† members. ? Correspondent members: They are countries that do not have their own standards organization. These members are informed about ISO's work, but do not participate in standards promulgation. ISO is a network of the national standards institutes of 159 countries, out of the 203 total countries in the world, one member per country, with a Central Secretariat in Geneva, Switzerland, that coordinates the system. Some of the ISO members are : INDIA, US, HONDURAS, LESOTHO, MACAU, NAMIBIA. †¢ How ISO standards are developed ? ISO standards are developed according to the following principles. ? Consensus ? Industry wide ? Voluntary †¢ Why standards matter Standards make an enormous and positive contribution to most aspects of our lives. Standards ensure desirable characteristics of products and services such as ? Quality ? Environmental friendliness ? Safety ? Reliability ? Efficiency ? Interchangeability When products and services meet our expectations, we tend to take this for granted and be unaware of the role of standards. However, when standards are absent, we soon notice. We soon care when products turn out to be of poor quality, do not fit, are incompatible with equipment that we already have, are unreliable or dangerous. When products, systems, machinery and devices work well and safely, it is often because they meet standards. And  the organization responsible  for many thousands of the standards which benefit the world is  ISO. When standards are absent, we soon notice. What standards do? ISO standards ? make the development, manufacturing and supply of products and services  more efficient, safer and cleaner ? facilitate trade  between countries and make it  fairer ? provide governments with a technical base for  health, safety and environmental legislation, and conformity assessment ? share  technological advances and good management practice ? disseminateà ‚  innovation ? safeguard consumers, and users in general, of products and services ? make life simpler by providing  solutions  to common problems †¢ Who standards benefit ISO standards provide technological, economic and societal benefits. ? For  businesses, the widespread adoption of International Standards means that suppliers can develop and offer products and services meeting specifications that have wide international acceptance in their sectors. Therefore, businesses using International Standards can compete on many more markets around the world. ? For  innovators  of new technologies, International Standards on aspects like terminology, compatibility and safety speed up the dissemination of innovations and their development into manufacturable and marketable products. For  customers, the worldwide compatibility of technology which is achieved when products and services are based on International Standards gives them a  broad choice  of offers. They also benefit from the  effects of competition  among suppliers. For  consumers, conformity of products and services to International Standards provides assurance about their quality , safety and reliability. ? For  trade officials, International Standards create  Ã¢â‚¬Å"a level playing field†Ã‚  for all competitors on those markets. The existence of divergent national or regional standards can create technical barriers to trade. International Standards are the technical means by which political trade agreements can be put into practice. ? For  developing countries, International Standards that represent an international consensus on the state of the art are an important source of  technological know-how. By defining the characteristics that products and services will be expected to meet on export markets, International Standards give developing countries a basis for making the right decisions  when investing their scarce resources and thus avoid squandering them. For  everyone, International Standards contribute to the  quality of life  in general by ensuring that the transport, machinery and tools we use are safe. ? For  the planet  we inhabit, International Standards on air, water and soil quality, on emissions of gases and radiation and environmental aspects of products can contribute to efforts to  preserve the environment. †¢ Examples of the benefits standards provide ? solves the   repair and maintenance  problems caused by a lack of standardization that were once a major headache for manufacturers ? Standards establishing an international consensus n  terminology  make technology transfer easier and safer. ? Consensus on grades of various materials gives a  common reference  for suppliers and clients in business dealings. ? Agreement on a sufficient number of variations of a product to meet most current applications allows  economies of scale  with  cost benefits  for both producers and consumers. An example is the standardization of paper sizes. ? Standardization of  performance or safety requirements  of diverse equipment makes sure that users' needs are met while allowing individual manufacturers the freedom to design their own solution on how to meet those needs. Standardized  computer protocols  allow products from different vendors to â€Å"talk† to each other. †¢ Advantages of ISO: ? Implementing ISO has follow ing advantages: ? Create a more efficient, effective operation ? Increase customer satisfaction and retention ? Reduce audits ? Enhance marketing ? Improve employee motivation, awareness, and morale ? Promote international trade ? Increases profit ? Reduce waste and increases productivity The need for International Standards is very important as more organizations operate in the global economy by selling or buying products and services from sources outside their domestic market. Disadvantages of ISO ? Does not guarantee better quality ISO certification definitely does not automatically lead to better quality product. While it does encourage operations to think in terms of systems, it does not require them to be good. ? Focus on certification ? Frequent audits Full system audits every three years with annual surveillance audits. †¢ ISO 9000 ISO 9000 is a family of standards for quality management systems. ISO 9000 is maintained by ISO and is administered by accreditation and cer tification bodies. The rules are updated, as the requirements motivate changes over time. Some of the requirements in ISO 9001:2008 include a set of procedures that cover all key processes in the business; monitoring processes to ensure they are effective; keeping adequate records; checking output for defects, with appropriate and corrective action; regularly reviewing individual processes and the quality system itself for effectiveness; and facilitating continual improvement ISO 9001:2000 – What does it mean in the supply chain? ISO 9001:2000 is an international standard that gives requirements for an organization’s Quality Management System (â€Å"QMS†). The objective of ISO 9001:2000 is to provide a set of requirements that will provide confidence that the supplier can consistently provide goods and services that: ? Meet needs and expectations and ? Comply with applicable regulations How can you have confidence that your supplier meets ISO 9001:2000? There are various ways in which your supplier can claim that its QMS meets the requirements of ISO 9001:2000. These include: ? ‘Supplier’s declaration of conformity’: supplier’s internal audit system, or on second party or third party audits; Second party assessment: check if its QMS meets ISO 9001:2000 requirements and your own requirements – sometimes used in contractual â€Å"business-to-business† transactions; ? Third party assessment: (Often referred to as certification or registration) CASE STUDY KERALA INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES Kerala Institute of Medical Sciences (KIMS),is a 450-bed multispecialty Hospital which has been awarded the I SO 9001:2000 certificate for a high-end cardiac cauterization laboratory, hi-tech operation theatres, a 24-hour emergency department, CT scan, facility for open heart surgery, blood bank, neurology and neuro-surgery departments. Quality and accreditation are prominent strategies adopted by KIMS to ensure world-class treatment at third-world prices. KIMS has acquired ISO 9001: 2000 certificate from BSI Group. †¢ ISO 12000: Plastics/rubber — Polymer dispersions and rubber (natural and synthetic) – Definitions and review of test methods †¢ ISO 14000 The ISO 14000 family addresses â€Å"Environmental management†. This means what the organization does to: ? minimize harmful effects on the environment caused by its activities, and to ? Achieve continual improvement of its environmental performance. The  ISO  14000  is a standard for  environmental management  systems that is applicable to any business. The aim of the standard is to reduce the environmental footprint of a business and to decrease the pollution and waste a business produces. The major objective of the ISO 14000 series of norms is â€Å"to promote more effective and efficient environmental management in organizations†. It offers source of guidance for introducing and adopting environmental management systems based on the best universal practices. The  ISO  14000  is a standard for  environmental management  systems that is applicable to any business, regardless of size, location or income. The aim of the standard is to reduce the environmental footprint of a business and to decrease the pollution and waste a business produces. The major objective of the ISO 14000 series of norms is â€Å"to promote more effective and efficient environmental management in organizations and  to provide useful and usable tools like cost effective, system-based, flexible tools that help organizations in gatherong environment related information. It offers source of guidance for introducing and adopting environmental management systems based on the best universal practices, in the same way that the ISO 9000 series on quality management systems represents a tool for technology transfer of the best available quality management practices The two major standards under ISO 14000 ? ISO 14001:2004 ? SO 14004:2004 Business benefits of ISO 14000 ? reduced cost of waste management ? savings in consumption of energy and materials ? lower distribution costs ? improved corporate image among regulators, customers and the public Framework for continual improvement of environmental performance. ? In the global economy CASE STUDY Copley Square Hotel A prominent hotel created an aggressive environmental program that provides a foundation for ISO 14001 registration. Energy Use Reduction: ? Energy efficient lighting was installed in public areas ? Install compact fluorescent bulbs in guest room table lamps , hanging lamps and back areas ? Remind employees to turn off all energy using devices that are not being used. Water Use Reduction: ? Installing toilets with 1. 5 gallon capacity, replacing ones with 3. gallon capacity will save $3,276 and 430,000 gallons annually. ? Showerheads of greater efficiency will save $6,546 and 859,000 gallons annually. ? Guest have been offered the option of reusing their towels and linens when staying more than one night. Comments Some of the reasons the program has been successful are: ? Everyone in the hotel participates in the program and can contribute from within their job responsibilities. ? Small savings are as important as big ones. CASE STUDY NOKIA ISO 14001 standard is used to control and manage the environmental aspects of Nokia’s production sites and large offices. Nokia has a corporate level ISO 14001 certificate in place for all manufacturing sites. †¢ What's the difference between ISO 9001 and ISO 14001? ISO 9001 contains a set of requirements for implementing a  Quality  Management System and ISO 14001 for an  Environmental Management System ISO 9001:2000 and ISO 14001:2004 have become thoroughly integrated with the world economy. ISO 9001:2000 (the transition to ISO 9001:2008 is now taking place) is now firmly established as the globally accepted standard for providing assurance about the quality of goods and services in supplier-customer relations. ISO 14001:2004 confirms its global relevance for organizations wishing to operate in an environmentally sustainable manner. In the global economy ISO 9001:2000 and ISO 14001:2004 have become thoroughly integrated with the world economy. ISO 9001:2000 is now firmly established as the globally accepted standard for providing assurance about the quality of goods and services in supplier-customer relations. ISO 14001:2004 confirms its global relevance for organizations wishing to operate in an environmentally sustainable manner. ISO 16000-1:2004 is intended to aid the planning of indoor pollution monitoring. Before a sampling strategy is devised for indoor air monitoring, it is necessary to clarify for what purposes, when, where, how often and over what periods of time monitoring is to be performed. The answers to these questions depend, in particular, on a number of special characteristics of the indoor environments, on the objective of the measurement and, finally, on the environment to be measured. ISO 16000-1:2004 deals with the significance of these factors and offers suggestions on how to develop a suitable sampling strategy. ISO 16000-1:2004 is applicable to indoor environments such as dwellings having living rooms, bedrooms, do-it-yourself rooms, recreation rooms and cellars, kitchens and bathrooms; workrooms or work places in buildings which are not subject to health and safety inspections in regard to air pollutants (for example, offices, sales premises); public buildings (for example hospitals, schools, kindergartens, sports halls, libraries, restaurants and bars, theatres, cinemas and other function rooms), and also cabins of vehicles. †¢ Latest ISO(15270:2008) On Plastic Recycling Plastics – Guidelines for the recovery and recycling of plastics waste. The standard has been developed to assist all plastics industry stakeholders in the development of: ? A sustainable global infrastructure for plastics recovery and recycling Establishes the different options for the recovery of plastics waste arising from pre-consumer and post-consumer sources. The standard assists in the selection of methodologies and processes for the management of post-use plastics that may be approached using various strategies. ? A sustainable market for recovered plastics materials and their derived manufactured products. Plastics material for recovery may be obtained from various sources and the major markets for plastics are packaging, building and construction products, electrical and electronic products, automotive/transportation, and household/consumer items. ISO promotes role of International Standards in tackling climate change at COP15 ISO International Standards can help fight climate change by providing a basis for ensuring trust, integrity and effective management in the quantification, measurement and verification of greenhouse gas (GHG) mitigation efforts, and practical tools for the development of energy efficiency and alternative energy sources. These messages were underlined by ISO at COP15, the 15th conference of the parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), held on 7-18 December 2009 in Copenhagen, Denmark. ISO Guide 64:2008 Guide for addressing environmental issues in product standards It proposes a step-by-step approach, based on the principle of life-cycle analysis, in order to promote a reduction of potential adverse environmental impacts caused by products. The Guide is intended for use by all those involved in the drafting of product standards, encouraging them to: Identify and understand basic environmental aspects and impacts related to the product under consideration, ? Determine when it is possible and when it is not possible to deal with an environmental issue through a product standard. TQM †¢ What? †¢ an approach for continuously improving the quality of goods and services through the participation of all levels of organization, especially for the benefit of the customers â € ¢ COMPONENTS OF THE MODEL ? Quality Policy and Communication If an organization is to start implementing TQM, a sound quality policy is a fundamental requirement. The TQM foundation consists of strategic quality management, executive leadership and a continuous focus on consumer. This must be clearly stated, documented and communicated, as a quality policy to each and every employee of the organization in an easily understood language. The next step is to clearly define the key objectives and quality goals that must be achieved if the company has to realize its vision. ? Team Work and Participation From time to time, Indian industry has realized the importance of both Team Work and Participative Management. To institutionalize both the concept s of team work ad participation, Cross functional Management Teams, Quality Circles and Suggestion Systems have to be formed. This has indeed been done in organizations like THERMAX, ALFA LEVEL, NLC, BHEL, SAIL, MADRAS CEMENTS, MODI XEROX, and SONA STEERING SYSTEMS ? Problem solving Tools and Techniques One very common approach of problem solving is use of Deming Cycle, which is reproduced below: As shown in the cycle, the Planning Stage will primarily involve defining a Quality mission, getting the organization relevant data, and going in for experiments in quality. And when we do something (Stage Two), the effects or results are checked in stage three. Recognizing people and rewarding them and changing processes form the essential steps of stage four ? Standardization Standardization is a management tool for encouraging and securing optimum utilization o resources and maximum efficiency of operations through formal establishment of the most suitable, pre-determined, solutions and answers to recurring problems and needs. Technical specifications in design, procurement, production and control are company standards. Similarly, administrative specifications in supervision and management, which may deal with products, processes, methods, materials, parts, etc. , are also company standards. ? Design and implementation of Quality System Standardization can be attained through ISO-9000 certification. ISO -9000 is not product standard, but it is Quality Systems Standard. It is a practical standard for a Quality system. There are four Quality System Standards as shown in the table ? Quality costs and measurements Contrary to popular belief high quality is not high cost. If things are done right the first time, tremendous savings in cost can be obtained. Around 10 – 25 % of the sales revenue is being spent by manufacturing companies due to poor quality. Hence, calculating the cost of quality is a must. ? Quality audit and review It is conducted by people who have no direct responsibility for performance and is always an independent examination to compare given aspects of quality performance with standards or specifications. Hence, an internal quality system should be developed for addressing customer requirements and complaints as well as internal quality problems. Process Control If processes are controlled properly, deficiencies are not with product and process control gives feedback for initiating necessary action. ? Customer supplier integration Effective integration between customer and supplier identifies mutual needs and fulfilling expectations becomes easier. ? Education and training Today, Indian companies that have implemented TQM sp ends thousands of rupees in preparing employees and educating them on various aspects of quality improvement. †¢ Principles of TQM ? CUSTOMER FOCUSED ONLY customers determine the level of quality , what ever you do to foster quality   improvement , training employees , integrating quality into processes management , ONLY customers determine whether your effort were   worthwhile ? EMPLOYEE INVOLVEMENT Removing fear from work place by providing the proper environment ? PROCESS CENTERED Fundamental part of TQM is to focus on Process thinking. ? INTEGRATED SYSTEM All employee must know business mission and vision, must monitor the process . an integrated business system may be modeled by     ISO 9000. ? STRATEGIC APPROACH Strategic plan must integrate quality as core component. CONTINUAL IMPROVEMENT Using analytical and creative thinking in finding ways to become more effective. ? FACT BASED DECISION MAKING Decision making must be ONLY on data, not personal thinking or situational. ? COMMUNICATION Communication strategy, method and timeliness must be well defined. †¢ Chain Reaction of TQM ? Improve Quality ? Improve Produ ctivity ? Decrease costs ? Decrease prices ? Increase market ? Stay in Business ? Provide More jobs ? Return on investment †¢ Deming’s Fourteen Points ? Constancy of purpose ? Drive out fear ? Eliminate Exhortations ? Encourage education Institute training on the job ? Improve every process ? End â€Å"lowest tender† contracts ? The New philosophy ? Institute Leadership ? Cease dependence on inspection ? Break down barriers ? Eliminate arbitrary numerical targets ? Permit pride of workmanship ? Top management’s commitment †¢ IMPORTANT ASPECTS OF TQM : ? Customer-driven quality ? Top management leadership ? and commitment ? Continuous improvement ? Fast response ? Actions based on facts ? Employee participation ? A TQM culture. †¢ BENEFITS   OF   TQM : ? Increased pride of workmanship among individual   workers ? Increased   readiness Improved   sustainability ? Greater   mission   survivability ? Better   justification   for    budgets ? Streamlined   maintenance   and   production processes Many companies have difficulties in implementing TQM. Surveys by consulting firms have found that only 20 – 36 % of companies that have undertaken TQM have achieved either significant or even tangible improvements in quality, productivity, competitiveness or financial return. As a result many people are skeptical about TQM. However, when you look at successful companies you find a much higher percentage of successful TQM implementation. Why ISO 9000 Should Be a Company's Guidepost, And Not TQM The ISO-9000 quality standard and total quality management (TQM) is both necessary for any organization to become world class. But ISO is far superior because it offers a set of guidelines for quality management and can stand alone, while TQM can not. The reasons are: ? While ISO-9000 is a clearly defined system, TQM is a philosophy ? ISO-9000 is preventive. TQM is remedial. ? TQM is aimed at identifying the causes of quality problems and eliminating them TQM is not quality management but process management —   the process of improvement. ISO-9000 is total quality management ? While ISO-9000 requires documentation and record keeping, there is no such requirement in TQM ? One of the greatest features of ISO-9000 is that it is self-policing EQM Various countries, 8 including India, have set up standards with specify the limit pf emission of various pollutants that are permitted in specific media i. e. air or water. They may take the firm of emission standards, or relate to the content of products in food, or phosphates in detergents. †¢ Environmental Quality Management includes : Management of Air Quality The air quality standards are prescribed by CENTRAL POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD. They provide quantitative limits within which the pollutants may be present in the environment. There are three types of standards ? Emission standards : they are the maximm tolerable level of a pollutant that are permissible to escape the chimney of an industry or the thermal power plant ? Immission standards : it specifies the ambient a ir quality i. e. the amount of various pollutants that are tolerable in space surrounding the source of generation Vehicular emission standards : they have been prescribed recently, it specifies the maximum tolerable limit of the various pollutants that are allowed to escape the exhaust of an automobile ? Management of water quality Water quality management involves multidisciplinary approach in which the required water quality is related to municipal, industrial and agricultural requirements. Water quality standards are based on two standards ? Stream standards: It is based on the beneficial uses of water which fixes the threshold value of specific pollutants permissible in the water required for various uses. As specified by Central Pollution Control Board in 1979. It states that drinking water should have a minimum of 6 mg/1 dissolved oxygen and a maximum of 2mg/1 of Biological oxygen demand. ? Effluent standards: They are based on the maximum concentration of a pollutant of maximum pollution load discharged into receiving water. In India under the Water Pollution Control Act enacted in 1974, effluent standards, based on the maximum concentration of a pollutant (mg/1) have been prescribed. ? Management of land It is essential to improve man quality to grow more and to meet the increasing demands for food and other essential agricultural items. Large scale use of fertilizers is not advisable. Chemical fertilizers can improve soil and land quality but they are costly. Various ways to improve land quality are ? Organic farming : organic fertilizers in the form of biomass not only provide nutrients to soil but also enrich humus content. Biomass is used as fuel in the form of dung cakes agricultural residues etc. ? Mixed cropping : under this leguminous and non-leguminous crops are grown together in the same area in a mixed pattern. It always the crop to derive nutrients from the soil. Use of helophytes : excessive irrigation leads to salinisation of soils rendering it useless for agriculture. Thus, special plants known as halophytes are grown, which are tolerant to salinity. These plants improve the soil condition. ? Ariel seeding : packets containing seeds along with little fertilizers are sprayed from aircrafts and they are left togrow undisturbed. This mproves the performance of degraded land ? Land use planning : for maint aining the land quality excessive irrigation should be avoided, proper avenues for drainage and mixed cropping should be practiced. The positive roles played in globalization by ISO’s standards for quality and environmental management systems include the following: ? a unifying base for global businesses and supply chains – such as the automotive and oil and gas sectors ? a technical support for regulation – as, for example, in the medical devices sector) ? a tool for major new economic players to increase their participation in global supply chains, in export trade and in business process outsourcing; ? a tool for regional integration –   as shown by their adoption by new or potential members of the European Union in the rise of services in the global economy – nearly 32  % of ISO 9001:2000 certificates and 29  % of ISO 14001:2004 certificates in 2007 went to organizations in the service sectors, and ? in the transfer of good practice to developing countries and transition economies Presented by : †¢ Aditya jhunjhunwala (09) †¢ Rashmi tigga (10) †¢ Sukanya gupta (11) †¢ Spriha agarwal (24) †¢ Rimika mittal (25) †¢ Shrutee parasramka (27) †¢ Niharika khaitan (31) †¢ Priyanka gupta (34) †¢ Srimoyee dasgupta (45) †¢ Bhumika kotecha (48) †¢ Neha malpani (59)

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Economics article commentary: June Harvest to Reduce inflation Essay

Inflation refers to a persistent rise in the general price level in a given period of time usually one year. There are two main types of inflation namely, demand pull inflation and cost push. Demand pull inflation is caused by raising aggregate demand that pulls up prices in the economy. There are several factors that cause this type of inflation, for example, when government reduces income tax leaving consumers with more disposable incomes to spend. However, as far as this article is concerned it is basically cost push inflation that is of major concern. Cost push inflation is caused by rising costs of production that forces producers to increase prices of the final products. High food prices have been the main driver of inflation due to the drought that hit the country early last year. Agriculture depends on natural factors beyond human control such as weather. A drought will cause shortages that will result in escalating prices as shown in the diagram below. Figure 1 DD and S1S1 are the original demand and supply curve respectively. A drought will cause a shortage that will make the supply curve to shift to the left, that is, to S2S2 and price to rise from P1 to P2 as quantity decreases from Q1 to Q2. When the drought affects most parts of the country then aggregate supply of food will fall. This inevitably makes food prices to rise. Furthermore, the article says that the rise in inflation has also been due to increase in international crude oil prices that have resulted into increases in the pump prices of fuel. Fuel is a major component in the production process and so any increase in its price will increase production costs. Consequently, there would be a fall in short-run aggregate supply as shown in the diagram below. Figure 2 AD and SRAS1 are the aggregate demand and short-run aggregate supply curves respectively. A rise in cost of production shift the SRAS curve to the left that is, to SRAS2 average price increases from P1 to P2. Although inflation benefits sellers in terms of increased revenue, on the whole, it has several adverse effects. Some of these include reducing the living standard of especially fixed income earners, such as pensioners and salaried workers. This is especially since the article mentions that ‘the cost of living has been on an upward trend following increases in inflation that reached to 14.1%’. So anything that can help to reduce inflation is a welcome move. The title of this article â€Å"June Harvest to reduce inflation†¦Ã¢â‚¬  shows that relief is on the way. Reducing Inflation means that prices will fall making essential commodities affordable by the vast majority of the consumers. However, before the harvest brings the relief the government has a number of policies at its disposal that it may use to combat inflation. Government could use monetary and fiscal policies. For instance in the case of fiscal policies the government could increase income tax to reduce disposable income of consumers. This helps to reduce aggregate demand and so stabilizes prices. The problem with this policy is that it makes the government unpopular among the voters electorate. Furthermore, it may serve to worsen the unemployment problem and might also through down the economic growth in the long run. Government could also use the supply side policies. These are policies that are used by government to increase the supply potential of the economy. For example, the government could abolish minimum wage laws. This would make it cheap to employ workers but would also reduce total cost of production. Its disadvantage is that workers are bound to be exploited by their employers. In conclusion, government of Uganda should put in place a mechanism to prevent future shortage of food by operating buffer stock schemes. And although such schemes have problem, such as cost of shortage, but their existence helps to ease shortages of foodstuffs caused by unpredictable climate changes. After all, ‘prevention is better than cure’. This is important also because the government of Uganda has no control over the international crude oil prices.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

How Each Writer Makes You Feel Sympathy for the Main Characters

Both of the writers make me feel sympathy for the main characters because the main characters are both still in their youth and they both face the same fate – death. Although the characters are portrayed in very different situations, both writers show how powerless they are to avert their fate. By having an accident or tragedy in the pieces, the writers make the reader feel compassion because it is not the central characters fault. From saying that the boy was ‘a child at heart’ whilst ‘doing a man’s work’, Frost tells us directly how young the boy is and how he is not experienced enough to understand how important his hands are.He uses repetition of the word ‘child’ to emphasise how still is. In contrast, Andre and Jacob in The Last Night are only children; they are orphans and they only have each other to rely on. Faulks makes us feel even more sorry for the Jewish children because even a ‘baby of a few weeks is being lifte d’ onto the bus to go to the concentration camp. The writers make the reader feel sympathy for the main characters by making their background circumstances pitiable; although they are both young, their lives are very hard. The boy in the poem is only a teenager, but he is already working.In the poem, he is on his own working by himself and has to work for a very long day. Frost uses repetition of ‘snarled and rattled’ to emphasise how boring the boy’s job is. He has to concentrate and cannot enjoy the scenery; he is not one of those that had the time to lift their eyes to ‘count the five mountain ranges one behind the other under the sunset far into Vermont. ’ In contrast, the living conditions in the Last Night are very poor; the squalid conditions of the Jews that are waiting to be taken to the concentration camp makes the readers feel pity for them.While the children are waiting, they are only given a sandwich and a pail of water to share b etween them; they have to drink water out of sardine cans. The sleeping conditions are also very poor; the children have to sleep on dung. When Faulks talks about Andre ‘lying on the straw’ with the ‘soft bloom of his cheek laying, uncaring, in the dung’, the contrast of the words ‘soft bloom’ and ‘dung’ informs the reader of how dirty it is there. The characters in both texts have the same fate, but the writers portray their fate in different ways.In ‘Out, Out –’, the storyline happens a lot quicker and the poem includes the boy’s death. This makes the reader feel very shocked and sorry for the main character because everything can happen so quickly; life can be short and brutal. Frost makes the reader feel sympathy for the central characters by making the event seem threatening; he uses harsh onomatopoeic words. In ‘Out, Out –’, the buzz saw is presented as the boy’s enemy. Fr ost uses the word ‘snarled’ to compare the buzz saw with a fierce dog.The word ‘rattled’ makes the reader anxious because it makes the buzz saw seem like it is going to break soon. Frost uses repetition in his poem; by repeating ‘snarled and rattled’, the atmosphere grows tenser as the disastrous moment is approaching. He makes the accident seem terrible by including many details. The boy’s reaction after the incident happens is terror and fear about his hand. He shows the effect of injecting the wrong amount of ether in someone. The boy ‘puffed his lips out with his breath’ because the doctor ‘put him in the dark of ether. Frost even uses punctuation to explain the boy’s death; he uses dashes near the end of the poem to make it sound jerky: ‘they listened at his heart. Little–less–nothing! –and that ended it. ’ These pauses mimic his breathing because it is gradually slowing do wn as the words ‘little’, ‘less’ and then ‘nothing’ indicate. In The Last Night, the storyline is slower and less dramatic because the story ends with the Jews being loaded on the bus, while the poem ends with the boy’s death. By doing this, Faulks builds up anticipation of something dreadful that is going to happen.In this piece, we never find out exactly what happens to the Jews in the concentration camp, but we see them being loaded onto the buses. This makes it is easier for the reader to imagine what is going to happen to Andre and Jacob. In this story, the ‘homely thudding of a Parisian bus’ is the sound that threatens the Jews waiting to be taken to a concentration camp. This makes the reader feel pity for the Jews because they will never hear the ‘familiar sound’ of the engine’s noise again. Faulks includes many descriptions of what the Jews are doing; he makes it clear how it is going to be their last time.In the beginning of the story, when the Jews are writing their ‘final message’, we are told how they are writing with ‘sobbing passion’ and others with ‘punctilious care’ even though they know that the ‘camp orders forbid access to the post. ’ Even the description of Andre and Jacob huddling together lying on the straw makes the reader feel sorry for them. The sentence ‘Jacob’s limbs were intertwined with his for warmth’ shows how they both need each other. In both pieces, the central characters seem to be vulnerable and threatened by something they cannot control; they do not have ower over their fate. Neither of the characters is aware of their impending fate. In ‘Out, Out –’, the boy does not deserve to die; the buzz saw cuts the boy’s hand because he loses his concentration at the sound of his sister saying ‘Supper. ’ Even the people in both pieces wanting t o help are powerless: the doctor in ‘Out, Out –’ injects the wrong amount of ether in the boy, leaving him ‘in the dark of ether; the ‘shower of food’ that the women in The Last Night throw towards the Jews never reaches them.In The Last Night, the gendarmes drag the children to the bus; nothing will change even if they ‘dig in their heels and scream. ’ The writers make us feel sympathy by having different responses of the people around the central characters. In ‘Out, Out –’, when the boy accidentally cuts his hand and dies due to the excessive amount of ether, his fellow workers ‘turned to their affairs’, ‘since they were not the one dead. ’ They do not feel sympathy for the boy who has just died which makes the reader feel sorrier for the boy. In The Last Night, there are many women who are ‘wailing’ and mourning for the Jews.Even ‘a shower of food was thrown towar ds them’ to show how sorry they are because they cannot do anything to help the young children on-board. This makes the reader also feel sorry for the Jews. Even though the responses of the people in both texts are different, the reader still feels sorry in both occasions. In both texts, the writers create powerful dramatic irony by allowing the reader to understand what the central characters cannot foresee. The central characters created by the writers are innocent and do not deserve to die.When the boy in ‘Out, Out –’ accidentally cuts his hand with the buzz saw, at first he does not understand how serious his injury is: his ‘first outcry’ was a ‘rueful laugh’; he holds up his hand to keep his ‘life from spilling’ showing how much blood there is. In The Last Night, while the Jews are waiting to be taken to the concentration camp, the adults sit ‘slumped against the walls’. The children, on the other ha nd, have the ‘ability to fall asleep to dream of other places’ because they do not know where they are going to be taken since they are able to fall asleep without any worries.Later in the story, the adults ‘refuse to drink’ coffee because they know ‘it meant breakfast, and therefore departure’, while the children were at the ‘deepest moments of their sleep. ’ The writers make us feel sorry for the central characters because they both have feelings of fear and terror in them after understanding how serious the situations are. In ‘Out, Out –’, the boy’s fear when he is begging the doctor not to cut off his hand after he realises how important his hands are for work makes us feel sorry for him because he won’t be able to work.The Last Night shows Andre growing up through the story; it makes us feel sorry for him now that he has some understanding of what waits him. In the beginning, he does not reall y know what is happening, but when Andre sees a woman whose ‘eyes were fixed with terrible ferocity on a child,’ he starts wondering why. As he asks himself questions, he begins to understand why the woman was doing that and then he realises that the woman ‘was not looking in hatred, but †¦ she was looking to remember’ her child forever. This makes the reader feel very sorry for the parents who have to separate from their child.Later in the story, he ‘holds on hard to Jacob as they go up on the bus; this shows his own fear and realisation that they are probably going to die soon. Even though there are similarities in their background circumstances, the actual situation the central characters are in is different: one is ordinary and one is not. The situation of the boy in ‘Out, Out –’ is ordinary compared to Andre and Jacob’s situation because accidents at work are still quite common. One of the main differences is the s cale of the problem. Out, Out –’ presents a personal tragedy where the reader feels sympathy for just one person. On the other hand, The Last Night presents a whole group of people who are suffering. If you were poor, you would probably have to start working earlier because you would need more money. In the boy’s case, he has to start working at an earlier age, but because he loses his concentration for a moment, the buzz saw ‘leaps out at the boy’s hand. ’ The Last Night focuses on a historical event which is unparalleled in history – the Holocaust. The Jewish children cannot take any blame or responsibility for their fate.The story talks about what happens while they are waiting to be sent to a concentration camp in the 1940s; Faulks wants the reader to feel sympathy for a whole group. This shows how abnormal and unfair the situation is because many Jews were sent to concentration camps just for being Jewish. The characters’ b ackgrounds in both texts are very different compared to my situation; they have to go through a lot at such a young age. The way the characters are portrayed by the writer helps me understand their situation and empathise with them because there is a lot of descriptive detail.Overall, I felt more sympathy for Andre and his brother Jacob in The Last Night than the boy in ‘Out, Out –’ mainly because I can relate better to The Last Night because I know about the Second World War and what happened to the Jews. The poem includes the boy’s unexpected death, while the innocent and younger children in The Last Night do not even know where they are headed for; I find it more powerful that the reader is left to imagine what happens when the Jews reach the concentration camp and how Andre and Jacob copes.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Earth systems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Earth systems - Essay Example posing a problem to the environment is the fact that the concentration of ozone in the ground-level is increasing while ozone in the stratospheric level is diminishing (Wright 774). This is a global environmental predicament because the stratospheric ozone has beneficial use while ground-level ozone produces detrimental effects. The stratospheric ozone layer was discovered sometime in the 1870s when scientists, led by G.M Dobson, observed the diminished amount of UV rays as they reach the earth’s surface, eventually attributing this phenomenon to ozone. By deduction, they concluded that the concentration of ozone in the upper atmosphere is higher than that nearer to the ground. A century later, it was discovered that certain elements could pose threat to this layer. When the US was planning to build supersonic transport planes (SST), studies revealed that the nitrogen oxide they would emit in the stratosphere layer, where they would be expected fly most of the time at a speed three times to that of sound and at an altitude of 12.4 miles, could destroy ozone (Konvicka 272). In the stratosphere, ozone is formed through a process called photolysis, when oxygen in the atmosphere is bombarded by solar UV radiation. This causes the two atoms of oxygen to split apart and merge with the atoms of other oxygen. The ozone gases then bond to form the ozone layer. This layer of ozone forms between 12 and 15 miles above the earth and protects it as well as life on it from dangerous UV solar radiation (Butz 376; Onursal et al 19). Ozone formation and destruction in the atmosphere occurs continuously and cyclically every time the UV rays of the sun act upon them, causing the breakdown of the gas and converting the resulting energy into heat. The heat raises the temperature at higher altitudes blocking the entry of the ultraviolet rays to the lower levels of the atmosphere. The split oxygen atoms then re-bond with the atoms of other oxygen to form new ozone. This continuous

Thursday, September 26, 2019

'Man's search for meaning by Viktor Frankl Research Paper

'Man's search for meaning by Viktor Frankl - Research Paper Example Man’s Search for Meaning.† The themes are so critically reviewed to the extent that the critical application of Viktor’s text gives a perfect analysis for other different real-life occurrences. Given the reason to critical applicability, the below essay critically analyzes the movie â€Å"Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind† all from a critical viewpoint of Viktor’s reasoning ideas. On one hand, Viktor suffers as a victim of the Auschwitz Concentration camp as an inmate victim of the World War II. To Viktor, it is quite clear and the general fact that most of the inmates of such level are bound to loose meaning to life. Upon such situation, the inmates slowly grow weak right from the inside. The absolute result is witnessed by all when the individual reveals the inner weaknesses through poor mental conditions and extremely poor health appearances. According to Viktor, an inmate survived longer in the concentration camps depending on how strong the individual meaning for life was. Indeed, Viktor had critically reviewed the some of the most influential human life-facts in history (Victor, 38). In order for every divine individual to live a happy and satisfying life, it is in his or her basic interest to identify the basic purpose in life and derive the most positive fruits from it. The author believes in the conception that if one manages to identify a purpose to live, makes all possible positive feelings of it, and immensely lives to the imagined future outcome; then it is upon fate for the success to be witnessed. Whereas, on theother hand, â€Å"Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind† brings about a whole new approach to people trying to find critical meaning for their lives. The film is set at the action of an estranged couple, former lovers who had their memories erased for the sake of better meaning for their individual lives. Well, the film could have been set on the basis of some fictional life events. However, it emanates and resemble the very

Ecommerce federal express Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Ecommerce federal express - Essay Example Choosing a service, plus an option is the first step to placing an order with FedEx after a customer has opened an account, where services to choose from include U.S. packages and envelopes, international packages and envelopes, freight services, C.O.D. and other options. The second step, packaging the shipment, as stated in its website provides customers with packaging options, help tips for preparing the package for shipment, and packaging services. Processing the shipment, the third step, enables customers to use a FedEx electronic shipping tool such as the FedEx shipping manager which â€Å"helps a customer quickly and easily complete all of his/her shipping documents — from airbills and air waybills to bar-code labels, and more — online; apart from the FedEx shipping manager, there are â€Å"other FedEx ® electronic shipping tools simplify your shipping process and paperwork by: providing online airbills and air waybills, Commercial Invoices, and other customs documentation; preventing delays  caused by  inaccurate or incomplete documentation; saving you time  so you can  focus on more important matters† as stated in its website. E-commerce provides competitive advantage in both the outside-in and inside-out perspective of building an organizational capability. From an outside-in perspective, e-commerce allows FedEx to build relationship with its FedEx brand and its customers through its website which is part of its direct marketing efforts, allowing customers to interact with the company as it provides faster access for them to avail of the services, while it also works to reinforce the brand by allowing customers to check if the delivery of the availed service has been met according to what FedEx has promised them. The database also allows FedEx to keep track of its customers, know their preferences and

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

The solar energy industry with a focus on the SunPower Corporation Essay

The solar energy industry with a focus on the SunPower Corporation - Essay Example In every 44 seconds the amount of the solar energy that is intercepted by the Earth while rotating on its axis is greater than the total amount of energy used worldwide in a whole year (HD Solar, 2008). According to a January, 2007 issue of the Financial Times, â€Å"While the evidence for the need of an alternative source of energy is mounting, it is encouraging to note that millions are invested in tackling climate change through the use of clean energy. Calculations suggest that global expenditure on curbing the effects of climate change could be $1,000 billion within five years† (Tang, K. & Yeoh, R., 2007). However, the currently scenario of the solar power industry is presents a picture that is far from encouraging. The depression waves of the global financial downturn are being felt by the solar industry too. The ongoing credit crunch and the frozen credit markets have hampered the solar industry, which is presently struggling due to the lack of funding options for the development of new projects and that has resulted in driving up the supplies and sent prices on the solar panels falling. The SunPower Corporation is a solar products and services company that was founded in 1985. The company is headquartered at San Jose, California, USA and employs a total of 5,400 employees. The company is involved in the designing, manufacturing and the marketing of high-performance solar thermal power technologies. The company offers solar power products such as the solar panels solar cells and the inverters that are based on the proprietary technologies and processes for a wide plethora of residential, commercial and as well as the power plant purposes. In addition to these services the company also offers services as in energy efficiency which includes project management, recommendations on energy audits and technology and equipment retrofits services catering

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Article Analysis Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Article Analysis - Assignment Example He has used metaphors and vivid descriptions to highlight what he sees wrong in the practice of chain ganging. His strong language has made his article very appealing. Staples has used some very strong language to bring out his intended message. He does not beat around the bush when he wants to make a certain point. In his opening statement, he gives an example of how an animal’s survival instincts will make it chew off some part of its body in order to free itself. This alone gets the reader’s attention to what the writer is trying to say. He uses similes to show how brutal the chain gang practice is. For instance, on the first paragraph, he says: â€Å"Beaten and driven like maltreated beasts†¦Ã¢â‚¬  while referring to the way slaves were treated while chained together. He also uses some vivid descriptions to further illustrate the cruelty of the chain gang practice. He says â€Å"†¦prisoners turned to self-mutilation to make themselves useless for work. They slashed their bodies, broke their own legs, and crippled themselves by cutting their tendons.† He gives this description to show that chain gangs were so dehumanizing, the prisoners could go to any lengths to free themselves from this ordeal. One of the obstacles I think the writer faced in critical thinking was his bias and total abhorrence for the practice that he thinks is reminiscent of the slavery years. he does not want to give the prison warders the benefit of doubt, so all he does is attack them as though they are the system that permits such practices in prisons. He has spoken nothing of the legislation bodies that made it legal to have gang chains in prisons. He should not have placed all the blame on Southern prison warders. The author’s bias is obviously with the prisoners who have to be chained when performing their menial work. He also makes it look like the chain gangs are meant for black prisoners only. I do

Monday, September 23, 2019

Pre-eclampsia discussion on hypertension in antenatal Essay

Pre-eclampsia discussion on hypertension in antenatal - Essay Example A midwife’s primary role in properly assessing the situation and giving diagnosis is discussed. Focus is also given to the cooperation between midwives and other HCPs when dealing with conditions that are not usually seen among patients. To aid in the discussion, a case of a pregnant patient, Julie, is used as an example. Julie’s pregnancy is made complicated by the increased blood pressure and protein in blood observed late in pregnancy. The flow of this paper is as follows. First, a summary of the patient’s case is given. More details, should the summary be found lacking, are provided in the appendix. Next, the various roles of midwives are elaborated, especially in cases of pregnancy. Third, pregnancy-associated high blood pressure disorders, its causes and risk factors, symptoms, complications, and treatment are looked upon. Finally, the appropriateness of the attending midwife’s actions in dealing with Julie’s case is assessed. There is a concerted effort among international HCP associations to care for not only the physical, but the psychological, spiritual and social well-being of a woman and her family. A midwife must do her part on this venture by monitoring such aspects of a woman’s life, especially during the child-bearing cycle. As defined by the International Confederation of Midwives (ICM), midwives are licensed, autonomous HCPs who are specialized to provide well-being related to women’s reproductive health including gynaecological tests, family planning, sexual health, antenatal tests, delivery, postpartum care and menopausal care. Aside from facilitating birth giving and taking care of the newborn infant, they are responsible and accountable for giving proper advice to expectant mothers so that each of them will have a normal pregnancy and natural parturition. This includes preventive measures such as giving advice on diet and

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Should School Students Do Part Time Jobs Essay Example for Free

Should School Students Do Part Time Jobs Essay Low Yee Ching 5S1 In my opinion, I agree that school children should be allowed to work after school. Let me explain to you why I think so. Firstly, school children nowadays are very free after school. Therefore, they should be allowed to work after school so that they will not have the chance to get involved in any crime. Besides, they can learn to be independent while working. This is because they always expect everything to be prepared for them. So, it is a good chance for them to learn how to carry out their daily lives without any help. It is very useful to them when they step out into the complicated working society. Furthermore, there are many school children who come from poor families. In the family, their fathers are the only breadwinners. Their pocket money is not enough for them to carry out their daily activities. When their parents experience financial constraints, their pocket money is reduced. Therefore, they take on part-time jobs to earn more pocket money and also to reduce the burden of the family. Moreover, school children can also learn how to manage their time well between studying and working. They should plan a timetable for their studies and do their revision by following the schedule. This is to ensure that they pass their examinations with good results. They are trained to use their time wisely because time is priceless. In addition, school children can obtain more invaluable working experiences while having a part-time job. They meet many new friends and help one another whenever somebody needs a helping hand. Besides this, they also learn how to communicate with the customers. They have the chance to communicate with different personalities and as a result, get to improve their communicative skills. Apart from that, school children can also learn to be more responsible while working. They should finish their work on time and try their best to make it perfect. This can help them to take on their responsibilities more seriously. Moreover, they are given the opportunity to polish their leadership skills. They have to lead the groups to complete their work and also to perform well. In conclusion, I feel that school children should be allowed to work after school as they can learn many things while undertaking a part-time job. We should give them a chance to try because they are the backbones of our country in the future.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Passion of fashion: Marc Jacobs

Passion of fashion: Marc Jacobs 1. Introduction 1.1 Background The reason leads Marc Jacobs be successful is his passion of fashion. In his early life, he not only worked in the field of fashion, but also spent his time on attending a school of art and design. He is a leading designer for Marc Jacobss products, who was born in 1963 in New York City. In addition, by the end of 1997, he was the Creative Director for French house Louis Vuitton (Emily R , 2009). By this major achievement, he decided to launch his first brand Marc Jacobs in 1986. After that, there are other two lines of the brand, which are Marc Jacobs Menswear in 1996 and Little Marc Jacobs in 2005 (New York Media, 2009). Marc Jacobs Daisy is the new feminine fragrance designed by Marc Jacobs which was launched in October, 2007 around the world. Moreover, the scent is presented as free and pure when it is said to be â€Å"the essence of a youthful spirit: sunny, happy, positively fresh and free†. (Moodie, 2002) 1.2 Theory Market segmentation and marketing mix are significant factors for analyzing. The market segmentation is the identification which distributes the market into different groups with similar characteristics, which allows the firm to better satisfy the needs of its potential consumers (James E, 2007). In addtion, according to Hall et al (2008), there are four main ways to segment the market; they are geography, demography, psychography and behavior. The marketing mix is a combination of marketing elements which is known as the 4Ps: product, price, place and promotion. It is considered in planning a marketing strategy which is necessary to sell a product effectively(Answers Corporation, 1999). The Marketing Mix includes product, price, place and promotion. Product is a good or service that meets consumers needs and makes profit to justify its continued existence (WebFinance Inc. 2009).According to Hall et al (2008: p.91), â€Å"Price needs to fit in with the nature of the product itself and the way in which it is being promoted and distributed to consumers.† In addition, products need to be available to customers in the place where they want to buy (Hall et al, 2008) and according to Hall et al (2008: p.106), â€Å"promotion is the attempt to draw attention to a product or business in order to gain new customers or to retain existing ones†. 1.3 Aim The purpose of this market research is to analyze an advertising of Marc Jacobs Daisy. The first aim is to indicate the segmentation of the advertising. Secondly, analyzing the theme and name of the advertising and what medium is used to promote it. The third aim is to evaluate how the price and the place be considered. Finally, recommendations and conclusion will be given. 2. Findings The advertisement was taken from photographer Juergen Teller; the view of it is reflected in the elegant of a new fragrance ‘Daisy. The idea of this is to launch the perfume in a field filled with daisies (FashionUnited, 2009).It shows a youthful girl is wearing underwear and lying on an untouched surrounding with daisies, holding the Daisy in her hands. Her eyes are closed and the poster looks as though there is a wonderful dreaming. Hence, the advertising is full of purity. In addition, the main tone is light colors, white and aqua. 3. Discussion 3.1 Marketing segmentation Marc Jacobs by segmenting geographically with sells Daisy in all of their own stores of different countries. For example, they are Europe, America and Africa. The stores are located in the main cities of a country, for example, London, New York and Shanghai. It means the consumer has ability to buy the product with fairly high income. In addition, it is divided into age and gender in demographic segmentation. The advertising of Marc Jacobs Daisy is represented as youth and elegance. According toSlapiton(2009), â€Å"Marc Jacobs Daisy is fresh, airy and feminine without being too sexy.† Therefore, Daisy is targeted to female, age from 18 to 25 or a small group of older of age above 35, who want to become younger. In short, Marc Jacobs segments the market into flourishing cities of different regions and sells to young female who interests in perfume. 3.2 Marketing Mix n 1.Promotion -Theme and color The emotion of the theme in perfume advertisements is essential because a well visual advertising is able to persuade consumers to purchase. In reality, companies always choose an attractive theme to advertise their product by using color emotion. From the view of advertisement, the main color green. Green means spring, new birth and environment awareness(Emily Gems. 2006). Therefore, this advertising is appropriate for the product and the theme of new birth and spring. -Product name Product name allows consumers to identify the goods and services of a company(Hall et al, 2008). From this perfume, Marc Jacobs used â€Å"Daisy† to promote it as daisy is one kind of flower and it represents as purity and innocence (Dgreetings,2009).Therefore, it could relate to the theme and the product perfectly. -Medium Marc Jacobs has promoted their printed advertisement of Daisy by several above-the-line mediums. Magazine is useful for targeting a particular audience or market segmentation. For example, the printed advertising of Daisy has published on Vogue which is a famous fashion magazine in the world. In addition, there is the development of electronic screen. Therefore, Marc Jacobs has used these mediums to promote their printed-advertising in their own store or some retailers shop and the Internet is one major advantage as it can be accessed by consumers all over the world. In conclusion, Marc Jacobs has provided some useful promotion to publish their printed advertisement of Daisy. n 2. Product -Appearance Consumers all prefer to buy the products which are functional and good-looking. At the centre of Daisy perfume is a floral note with a vintage edge, violet. Women all like flower, especially for this huge flowers decoration in the bottle, it looks very remarkable, although Daisy is not very functional. -Color White is the main color from the figure of advertising. According to Sibagraphics(2009), white in Europe means marriage, angels and peace. In addition, â€Å"White is a color of purity; brides wear white in many countries, because white symbolizes a virgin.† (Emily Gems. 2006). addtion,the main color, he main color, there is no any f a company. a It is said that white daisies are the emblem of loyal love (Emily Gems. 2006). -Fragrance Daisy is â€Å"a deliciously feminine blend of wild strawberry, red grapefruit, violet leaves, gardenia, jasmine, musk, vanilla and white wood† (Sephora. 2008). As a result, it is suitable to young females taste. n 3. Price The price of Marc Jacobs is very acceptable. If compare to other perfumes, the price of Daisy is higher than other comment brands perfume, for example, the CK which is approximately  £30 (Women Perfume,2009). However, it is cheaper than some high-class brands perfume, Christian Dior is approximately  £50 (NexTag, 2009). Therefore, Daisy is an acceptable good which have a middle price. According to Women Perfume (2009), Marc Jacobs daisy 50ml is  £39, and the 100ml ones is  £49. It shows the pricing strategy chosen by the business because it has maximize profits by setting price as  £39 and  £49, but it can attract and misdirect the consumers. n Marc Jacobs Daisy has allocated their products to several mediums. Firstly, Daisy uses direct marketing which is selling from manufacturers directly to consumers by offering online ordering through a website on the Internet (Daisy, 2009). Secondly, from manufacturers to consumers via retailers, Daisy provided the product to the retailers, such as Boots and Superdrug and John Lewis ( Women Perfume, 2009). To sum up, Marc Jacobs has promoted the advertisement through the entire place; include the website, the retailer, magazine and Television. Therefore, if a good product will not sell at the right place and at the right time, it will not be successful (Hall et al, 2008). 4. Conclusion In conclusion, Marc Jacobs does very well on advertising of its new perfume product after doing a wide research from books and websites. The theme of the advertising is purity, and sells young woman of middle class income. In addition, the printed advertising has promoted in right place at a right time with a strategy price, and the price is acceptable. Therefore, all of them can bring up this well-known perfume in the world. 5. Recommendation For my recommendation, Marc Jacobs should develop some new methods for promoting and packaging. Marc Jacobs can have more below-the-line promotions, for example, free samples or free gives to the consumers who interests in the product. In addition, Marc Jacobs can have some small bottle packages which are better for taking or putting in a bag.

Friday, September 20, 2019

education in America Essay -- essays research papers

The United States has been teaching its students for countless years now. Today's education process in the United States is that of the banking process. Paulo Freire gives light to a new and advanced process by which America should learn by, one that will prove to be an investment for the nations society, and soon will. For years now we have been learning in Americas institutions for the first eighteen to twenty-five years of our lives. Always being taught by our teachers and professors, hoping that what they say will give us light to a hopeful future. Students generally sit in a classroom and absorb or bank, to put it in words of Paulo Freire, the information given or taught by the teachers. According to Paulo Freire we take information given to us by teachers and categorize the information away for later use. Freire contends that when knowledge is passed vertically from teacher to student in the banking concept the knowledge is stored in the brains and cataloged away. An inefficient way to learn that holds us back from reaching our full potential. We, the students, never question the validity of the information. We simply understand that the teacher is right and we take for granted what the teacher gives us. Who says that all information is actually valid, how do we know until we, the students, actually do it. If a student reads in a text that a certain plant when eaten tastes sweet and another tastes bitter the students are then supposed to take for granted that what th... education in America Essay -- essays research papers The United States has been teaching its students for countless years now. Today's education process in the United States is that of the banking process. Paulo Freire gives light to a new and advanced process by which America should learn by, one that will prove to be an investment for the nations society, and soon will. For years now we have been learning in Americas institutions for the first eighteen to twenty-five years of our lives. Always being taught by our teachers and professors, hoping that what they say will give us light to a hopeful future. Students generally sit in a classroom and absorb or bank, to put it in words of Paulo Freire, the information given or taught by the teachers. According to Paulo Freire we take information given to us by teachers and categorize the information away for later use. Freire contends that when knowledge is passed vertically from teacher to student in the banking concept the knowledge is stored in the brains and cataloged away. An inefficient way to learn that holds us back from reaching our full potential. We, the students, never question the validity of the information. We simply understand that the teacher is right and we take for granted what the teacher gives us. Who says that all information is actually valid, how do we know until we, the students, actually do it. If a student reads in a text that a certain plant when eaten tastes sweet and another tastes bitter the students are then supposed to take for granted that what th...

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Significance of Vietnam War Essay -- Vietnam War Essays

The Significance of The Vietnam War Within one generation, The United States have experienced The Second World War, The Korean War and fifteen years of The Cold War crisis. The Vietnam War was the last drop into the cup of American patience. The costs of The Vietnam War were intolerable, because they contravened traditional American values and hopes. In the year 1965, American government announced, with public support, that America is going to win the guerilla war and defeat the â€Å"global communist conspiracy†. It also promised to build free institutions in South-East Asia. Two years later, in the year 1967, the same affair was considered not only as unsuccessful, but also as a gruesome action of the politicians. In one moment, the intellectuals glorified the arrival of a young and freethinking new president, but almost immediately, they blamed his successor of cruelty, continuous lies and desire of war, although the new president’s strategy was basically the same as of his mourned-for predecessor. Richard Nixon’s governing season did not bring much serenity either. Heated resistance against war became even stronger. Nixon wanted to negotiate an honorary departure, which he considered to be almost anything - apart from leaving millions of people, to whom America promised help, to North Vietnamese communists. He took reliability and honor seriously, because he knew that American ability to create peaceful international order depended on them. Nixon and his special advisor claimed that they had a secret plan how to reach â€Å"honorable peace†. But peace came slowly, and when it finally arrived, no one could talk about honor. The longest war in the history of The United Sta tes ended and left a bitter heritage behind. The war, commenced as a noble quest for democratic ideals showed that it is not easy to bring democracy to the region of the third world, which lacked any historical experience with liberal values. The war, which was supposed to be a parade of American military power, harmed her dignity so seriously, that many young Americans started to see the army as a completely rotten and wrong institution. The war, that was supposed to show the world how strong the United States are in their conviction, actually divided America more than any other event in the twentieth century. The wounds were so deep that even the peace did not bring much joy. The Vietnamese Wa... ...e self-confidence and to take into consideration unforeseen factors. However, political passivity does not offer any consolation to millions of immediate victims and it changes political decision-making to irresponsible hazard based on intuition. The greatest loss caused by the Vietnam War was probably the togetherness of the American society. American idealism led to an opinion that the Vietnamese society can be relatively easily transformed to democracy. When this optimistic thesis fell down, it unavoidably led to disillusion. The prevailing phenomenon was also the misunderstanding of the military problem. Looking at the complex problem brings me to the following conclusion: Before The United States (and this applies to any other nation) decide to enter any war, they should be clearly aware of the nature of the threat they will confront and of the nature of the aims they can reach. They must have a clear military strategy and a clear definition of what they will consider a successful military result. And if America decides to commence any military action, it should not accept any other alternative but victory. America can recover from Vietnam only by learning from its wounds.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

evilmac Macbeth and Lady Macbeth Were Not Evil Essay example -- Macbe

Macbeth and Lady Macbeth Were Not Evil      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Shakespeare's Macbeth contains many evil deeds, the majority of which are perpetrated by none other than the title character and his wife (Macbeth and Lady Macbeth). However, evil deeds don't necessarily mean an evil soul; Macbeth and Lady Macbeth were not inherently evil.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Before Macbeth and his wife even committed their first evil act, they had doubts. "... Yet I do fear thy nature./It is too full o' the milk of human kindness/To catch the nearest wave..." (Disciples 13:15-0) Lady Macbeth says in her monologue after reading Macbeth's letter. While she is already planning for the death of the king, she knows that it will take an effort to convince Macbeth to go along with her vacation. She also doubts herself: "Stock up the access and passage to remorse, ...That my keen knife see not the wound it makes," (I.V.23:2). While she calls upon the powers of evil to aid her in her quest for love, she knows her 'weaknesses' (kindness, poor impulse control, etc.). She understands that she must change in order to be able to even assist Macbeth in committing the murder, hence she is not inherently evil.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Macbeth doubts himself as he doubts his fatherhood. In one of his 'talking-to-himself' monologues (I.VII.8:28) he shows that he is not ready to be a father. He says that he has no reason to bear a child other than his own ambition ("... I have no spur/To prick the sides of my intent, but only/vaulting ambition... " (I.VII.25-27)) He also mentions that he would be so evil to commit the deed; he would first be violating his duty to protect his King, as wel... ...the nightmares she experiences due to the murder of Duncan. Sh has episodes of sleepwalking where she attempts to scrub the blood off her hands and cleanse herself of the evil deed. And she hadn't even killed Duncan. Again this shows that she was NOT inherently evil.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Macbeth and Lady Macbeth are obviously amateurs at being evil. They doubted themselves and each other all through their evil acts, showing remorse and regret often. In fact, most of the evil that they committed can be almost directly linked to the Witches, who WERE inherently evil. They were the cause of their evil, not their souls. Therefore, Macbeth and his wife were clearly not the embodiment of pure evil. Work Cited Shakespeare, William. Tragedy of Macbeth . Ed. Barbara Mowat and Paul Warstine. New York: Washington Press, 1992.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Alexandru Florea Economic Development and Growth

Indicators of economic development: Labor productivity Weighted Machine tool industry in total industry Weighted Machine tool exports in total exports Weighted Brain drain in total export Weighted Employment in services Economic growth is represented by the evolution of specific economic indexes, with benefits for the social and economic life, in a specific time and area. The most known index for calculating the economic growth is the GAP/ capita. Types of economic growth Extensive economic growth- based on growing the GAP/capita by increasing the number of workers, arable lands etc.Consolidated economic growth: it would be realized at the global scale Zero economic growth: is happening when the economic indexes and the population of the country are increasing with the same percentage. The single way that a state can achieve economic development and growth is by using their economies to make investments. Economic development represents a qualitative process while economic growth is a quantitative one. However the processes of economic development and growth are produced simultaneous therefore they must be considered together. The first part of the analysis will provide an overall picture of Roman's economic performance.It will be presented the current economic development situation and its growth during the analyzed years. The second part of the analysis represents an econometric exercise which will provide the connection between GAP, Urban Population and Employment. At the end of the exercise it will 3 be possible to predict values of GAP depending on Urban Population and the level of employment. The third part of the analysis will provide information regarding the development lacks of Roman's economy. The fourth part of analysis refers to Romania market inefficiency.It will provide the most important issues about market failures in Romania. The fifth part of analysis includes the Development Policies. It will present the main targets to improve Roman's econom y for the next years. B. Analysis 1. Methodology For this analysis were chosen indexes from 5 areas: Romania, Bulgaria, Germany, France and European Union. Besides Romania, which is the main subject of the analysis, it was chosen Bulgaria like a state with similar economic situation. Germany and France were chosen because they represent two of the most developed country in Europe.In the same time they represent examples of how the economic situation should be in a developed country therefore Romania must achieve a close level to them in order to become a State with a developed economy. Nevertheless, all of them are member states of European union therefore all of them must converge to the same level, as result, it is absolutely necessary to include the European union indexes. First part of the analysis contains statistical results about the economic development and growth situation in Romania. The analyzed period refers to 1990-2013.For this part there were seed data series, with an nual frequency, from the official website of World Bank. Second part of the analysis is represented by a linear regression model. For analyzing the correlation between variables, were used data series (1991-2012), with annual frequency, from the official website of World Bank. The data refers only to Romania. The purpose of the exercise was to find the influence Of that urban population and employment have on GAP. The form of linear regression model is: AMPLE+?* POP 4 Where: BIB – Gross Domestic Product AMPLE -? Employment POP – the urban population percentageThe GAP was deflated referring to the year 2005 as the base year. Views was the soft used for testing and correcting the regression model. The intensity between the dependent variable and the independent variables was analyzed considering the correlation coefficient R The sign efficacy of linear correlation coefficients was tested using t-test Starting from the hypothesis: HO: the model is not valid and HI: the mo del is valid, the validity of the regression model was tested using the Fischer test.The model's significance was tested with: – Wald test for testing the regression coefficients F test for testing the significance of the correlation ratio. – graphic method, Durbin Watson test and Breach Godlier test for verifying the independence of the random errors. – White test for verifying the homosexuality. -Jarred-Berea test for verifying the normality hypothesis. Third part of the analysis contains statistical results about the development lacks in Romania. The analyzed period refers to 1990-2013.For this part there were used data series, with annual frequency, from the official website of World Bank. Fourth part of the analysis contains statistical results about the market inefficiency in Romania. The analyzed period refers to 1990-2013. For this part there were used data series, with annual frequency, from the official website of World Bank. Fifth part of the analysis presents the main targets of the current development policy. It represents a summary of the Romania â€Å"National Strategy for Development'. 5 Economic Development and Growth Of Romania 2.Used data Gross Domestic Product: According to Ryan Barnes: â€Å"The GAP is the predecessor of all macroeconomic indexes; as an aggregate measure of the total economic output of a country, GAP represents the total value of goods and services produced by the economy, in a specific period†. Frequency: annual Source of collected data: World Bank website Other changes: *only for the regression model: 1,000,000,000 Expressed in: US$ Inflation: Inflation is defined as a sustained increase in the general level of prices for goods and services. It is measured as an annual percentage increase.As inflation rises, every dollar you own buys a smaller percentage of a good or service. Frequency: annual Expressed in: percentage Urban population index According to National Statistic Office: â€Å"Urban population index refers to the number of people which live in urban areas† Other changes: *only for the regression model: 1 ,OHO Expressed in: percentage of the total population Employment index Employment index refers to the active population (15-64 years old) rate: the ratio between the active population and the total number of people with the same age. Other changes: *only for the regression model: AMPLE( 1)= AMPLE(O)* 1,000 Health Expenditure index Health expenditure refers to the sum of public and private health expenditure. It covers the provision of health services (preventive and curative), family planning activities, nutrition activities, and emergency aid assassinated for health but does not include provision of water and sanitation. It is calculated as the percentage of a nation's GAP. Frequency: annual Pupil-teacher index Pupil-teacher ratio: the number of pupils enrolled in primary school divided by the number of primary school teachers.Expressed in: absolute num ber Public spending on education index Public expenditure on education as % of GAP is the total public expenditure (current and capital) on education expressed as a percentage of the Gross Domestic Product (GAP) in a given year. Public expenditure on education includes government spending on educational institutions (both public and private), education administration, and transfers/subsidies for private entities (students/households and other private entities) 7 3.Literature review About Roman's Economy According to the Constitution of 1991, Economy of Romania is an economy based on supply and demand rule therefore it means that the state must ensure the freedom of trade and the fair competition. In 1 939 the most important branches of industry were the oil and natural gas industries. 6. 24 million tons of oil was produced in Romania in 1939 and the total exports of oil valued 56 million dollars. Furthermore, with a production slightly lower than Germany, Romania had a very good sit uation in terms of grain.However salt and tobacco had also an important role for Roman's economy during this period. Even if it was of poor quality, tobacco was the main source of income for the people from the Danube Plain. After more than four decades, at the end of 1 989, economy of Romania had the basic communist economy, in all branches of industry' it was a state cooperative monopoly. Price, credits, salaries, the interest rate were directed y the â€Å"single national plan† without reflecting the supply and demand needs. On 21st of December 1 989 Romania had no external debt, the external debt was fully paid by the end of February 1989.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Overview of Fmcg Sector

An Overview of the FMCG Industry in India chillibreeze writer — Shital Vakhariya Looking for more info Read our more comprehensive report of the same at: India-Reports Read more about Discount Retailing   Ã‚  | | | What are Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG)? Products which have a quick turnover, and relatively low cost are known as Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG). FMCG products are those that get replaced within a year.Examples of FMCG generally include a wide range of frequently purchased consumer products such as toiletries, soap, cosmetics, tooth cleaning products, shaving products and detergents, as well as other non-durables such as glassware, bulbs, batteries, paper products, and plastic goods. FMCG may also include pharmaceuticals, consumer electronics, packaged food products, soft drinks, tissue paper, and chocolate bars. A subset of FMCGs are Fast Moving Consumer Electronics which include innovative electronic products such as mobile phones, MP3 players, digital c ameras, GPS Systems and Laptops.These are replaced more frequently than other electronic products. White goods in FMCG refer to household electronic items such as Refrigerators, T. Vs, Music Systems, etc. In 2005, the Rs. 48,000-crore FMCG segment was one of the fast growing industries in India. According to the AC Nielsen India study, the industry grew 5. 3% in value between 2004 and 2005. Indian FMCG Sector | | The Indian FMCG sector is the fourth largest in the economy and has a market size of US$13. 1 billion. Well-established distribution networks, as well as intense competition between the organised and unorganised segments are the characteristics of this sector.FMCG in India has a strong and competitive MNC presence across the entire value chain. It has been predicted that the FMCG market will reach to US$ 33. 4 billion in 2015 from US $ billion 11. 6 in 2003. The middle class and the rural segments of the Indian population are the most promising market for FMCG, and give bra nd makers the opportunity to convert them to branded products. Most of the product categories like jams, toothpaste, skin care, shampoos, etc, in India, have low per capita consumption as well as low penetration level, but the potential for growth is huge.The Indian Economy is surging ahead by leaps and bounds, keeping pace with rapid urbanization, increased literacy levels, and rising per capita income. The big firms are growing bigger and small-time companies are catching up as well. According to the study conducted by AC Nielsen, 62 of the top 100 brands are owned by MNCs, and the balance by Indian companies. Fifteen companies own these 62 brands, and 27 of these are owned by Hindustan Lever. Pepsi is at number three followed by Thums Up. Britannia takes the fifth place, followed by Colgate (6), Nirma (7), Coca-Cola (8) and Parle (9).These are figures the soft drink and cigarette companies have always shied away from revealing. Personal care, cigarettes, and soft drinks are the t hree biggest categories in FMCG. Between them, they account for 35 of the top 100 brands. Exhibit I THE TOP 10 COMPANIES IN FMCG SECTOR S. NO. | Companies| 1. | Hindustan Unilever Ltd. | 2. | ITC (Indian Tobacco Company)| 3. | Nestle India| 4. | GCMMF (AMUL)| 5. | Dabur India| 6. | Asian Paints (India)| 7. | Cadbury India| 8. | Britannia Industries| 9. | Procter & Gamble Hygiene and Health Care| 10. | Marico Industries| Source: Naukrihub. comThe companies mentioned in Exhibit I, are the leaders in their respective sectors. The personal care category has the largest number of brands, i. e. , 21, inclusive of Lux, Lifebuoy, Fair and Lovely, Vicks, and Ponds. There are 11 HLL brands in the 21, aggregating Rs. 3,799 crore or 54% of the personal care category. Cigarettes account for 17% of the top 100 FMCG sales, and just below the personal care category. ITC alone accounts for 60% volume market share and 70% by value of all filter cigarettes in India. The foods category in FMCG is g aining popularity with a swing of launches by HLL, ITC, Godrej, and others.This category has 18 major brands, aggregating Rs. 4,637 crore. Nestle and Amul slug it out in the powders segment. The food category has also seen innovations like softies in ice creams, chapattis by HLL, ready to eat rice by HLL and pizzas by both GCMMF and Godrej Pillsbury. This category seems to have faster development than the stagnating personal care category. Amul, India's largest foods company, has a good presence in the food category with its ice-creams, curd, milk, butter, cheese, and so on. Britannia also ranks in the top 100 FMCG brands, dominates the biscuits category and has launched a series of products at various prices.In the household care category (like mosquito repellents), Godrej and Reckitt are two players. Goodknight from Godrej, is worth above Rs 217 crore, followed by Reckitt's Mortein at Rs 149 crore. In the shampoo category, HLL's Clinic and Sunsilk make it to the top 100, although P;amp;G's Head and Shoulders and Pantene are also trying hard to be positioned on top. Clinic is nearly double the size of Sunsilk. Dabur is among the top five FMCG companies in India and is a herbal specialist. With a turnover of Rs. 19 billion (approx.US$ 420 million) in 2005-2006, Dabur has brands like Dabur Amla, Dabur Chyawanprash, Vatika, Hajmola and Real. Asian Paints is enjoying a formidable presence in the Indian sub-continent, Southeast Asia, Far East, Middle East, South Pacific, Caribbean, Africa and Europe. Asian Paints is India's largest paint company, with a turnover of Rs. 22. 6 billion (around USD 513 million). Forbes Global magazine, USA, ranked Asian Paints among the 200 Best Small Companies in the World Cadbury India is the market leader in the chocolate confectionery market with a 70% market share and is ranked number two in the total food drinks market.Its popular brands include Cadbury's Dairy Milk, 5 Star, Eclairs, and Gems. The Rs. 15. 6 billion (USD 380 Mill ion) Marico is a leading Indian group in consumer products and services in the Global Beauty and Wellness space. Scope Of The Sector| | | The Indian FMCG sector with a market size of US$13. 1 billion is the fourth largest sector in the economy. A well-established distribution network, intense competition between the organized and unorganized segments characterize the sector. FMCG Sector is expected to grow by over 60% by 2010. That will translate into an annual growth of 10% over a 5-year period.It has been estimated that FMCG sector will rise from around Rs 56,500 crores in 2005 to Rs 92,100 crores in 2010. Hair care, household care, male grooming, female hygiene, and the chocolates and confectionery categories are estimated to be the fastest growing segments, says an HSBC report. Though the sector witnessed a slower growth in 2002-2004, it has been able to make a fine recovery since then. | | For example, Hindustan Levers Limited (HLL) has shown a healthy growth in the last quarte r. An estimated double-digit growth over the next few years shows that the good times are likely to continue.Growth Prospects With the presence of 12. 2% of the world population in the villages of India, the Indian rural FMCG market is something no one can overlook. Increased focus on farm sector will boost rural incomes, hence providing better growth prospects to the FMCG companies. Better infrastructure facilities will improve their supply chain. FMCG sector is also likely to benefit from growing demand in the market. Because of the low per capita consumption for almost all the products in the country, FMCG companies have immense possibilities for growth.And if the companies are able to change the mindset of the consumers, i. e. if they are able to take the consumers to branded products and offer new generation products, they would be able to generate higher growth in the near future. It is expected that the rural income will rise in 2007, boosting purchasing power in the countrys ide. However, the demand in urban areas would be the key growth driver over the long term. Also, increase in the urban population, along with increase in income levels and the availability of new categories, would help the urban areas maintain their position in terms of consumption.At present, urban India accounts for 66% of total FMCG consumption, with rural India accounting for the remaining 34%. However, rural India accounts for more than 40% consumption in major FMCG categories such as personal care, fabric care, and hot beverages. In urban areas, home and personal care category, including skin care, household care and feminine hygiene, will keep growing at relatively attractive rates. Within the foods segment, it is estimated that processed foods, bakery, and dairy are long-term growth categories in both rural and urban areas. Indian Competitiveness and Comparison with the World MarketsThe following factors make India a competitive player in FMCG sector:? Availability of raw ma terials Because of the diverse agro-climatic conditions in India, there is a large raw material base suitable for food processing industries. India is the largest producer of livestock, milk, sugarcane, coconut, spices and cashew and is the second largest producer of rice, wheat and fruits &vegetables. India also produces caustic soda and soda ash, which are required for the production of soaps and detergents. The availability of these raw materials gives India the location advantage. Labor cost comparison Low cost labor gives India a competitive advantage. India's labor cost is amongst the lowest in the world, after China ;amp; Indonesia. Low labor costs give the advantage of low cost of production. Many MNC's have established their plants in India to outsource for domestic and export markets. ? Presence across value chain Indian companies have their presence across the value chain of FMCG sector, right from the supply of raw materials to packaged goods in the food-processing s ector. This brings India a more cost competitive advantage.For example, Amul supplies milk as well as dairy products like cheese, butter, etc. | Strategic Intent We intend to significantly accelerate profitable growth. To do this, we will: * Focus on growing our core brands across categories, reaching out to new geographies, within and outside India, and improve operational efficiencies by leveraging technology * Be the preferred company to meet the health and personal grooming needs of our target consumers with safe, efficacious, natural solutions by synthesizing our deep knowledge of ayurveda and herbs with modern science * Provide our consumers with innovative products ithin easy reach * Build a platform to enable Dabur to become a global ayurvedic leader * Be a professionally managed employer of choice, attracting, developing and retaining quality personnel * Be responsible citizens with a commitment to environmental protection * Provide superior returns, relative to our peer gr oup, to our shareholders * Dabur India Limited | * Dabur India Limited is India's leading FMCG company with interests in health care, personal care and foods. Dabur has a history of more than 100 years and the company has carved a niche for it self in the field of Ayurvedic medicines.The products of Dabur are marketed in more than 50 countries worldwide. The company has 2 major strategic business units (SBU) – Consumer Care Division (CCD) ;amp; Consumer Health Division (CHD), and 3 Subsidiary Group companies – Dabur Foods, Dabur Nepal and Dabur International. Dabur International has 3 step down subsidiaries – Asian Consumer Care in Bangladesh, African Consumer Care in Nigeria and Dabur Egypt. The origin of Dabur can be traced back to 1884 when Dr. S. K. Burman started a health care products manufacturing facility in a small Calcutta pharmacy.In 1896, as a result of growing popularity of Dabur products, Dr. Burman set up a manufacturing plant for mass production of formulations. In early 1900s, Dabur entered the specialized area of nature based Ayurvedic medicines. In 1919, Dabur established research laboratories to develop scientific processes and quality checks. In 1936, Dabur became a full-fledged company with the name Dabur India (Dr. S. K. Burman) Pvt Ltd. Dabur shifted its operations to Delhi in 1972. Dabur became a Public Limited Company in 1986 and Dabur India Limited came into existence after reverse merger with Vidogum Limited.In 1992, Dabur entered into a joint venture with Agrolimen of Spain to manufacture and market confectionary items in India. In 1994, Dabur raised its first IPO. In 1998, day to day running of the company was handed over to professionals. In 2000, Dabur achieved a turnover of Rs 1000 crores. In 2005, Dabur acquired Balsara. Dabur crossed $ 2 billion market cap in 2006. Some of the well-known brands of Dabur are: Amla Chyawanprash, Hajmola, Lal Dantmanjan, Nature Care, Pudin Hara, Babool Toothpaste, Hingoli, D abur Honey, Lemoneez, Meswak, Odonil, Real, RealActiv and Vatika.